I love, Love. Dedicated to a very special friend of mine. Louis, my wish for you on your wedding day, and always. I want the love between you, and your beautiful wife Marisa, to continue to grow and intertwine the two of you in such a way that the people around you continue to truly feel your love for each other, deep within their soul. Where it not only inspires them to search
Read more →I sit here writing, with a whirl wind of thoughts, emotions, and energy running through my being. I have been through a lot in my life. There have been many situations, which have taught me phenomenal life lessons and truly shaped me into the woman I am today. You do not find yourself, and truly understand yourself, until you are pushed passed the boundaries of your comfort zone. You know, that zone that you have
Read more →Today, October 14th 2017, marks the one year anniversary of my 5th heart surgery, my second open heart surgery, to put in a pulmonary valve. It is a weird feeling to know that at this very moment, a year ago, I was on an operating table with my chest open, having a bunch of doctors and medical staff working on my heart as my family was anxiously awaiting my return to them. My return, which
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